First they must be fast. Second they must be tough. Third they must be seaworthy and capable of handling the roughest waters. Then, too, they must be efficient, thus the incorporation of rudders. It is crucial that they have adequate capacity to easily store and locate, as needed, their 300 pounds of gear.

verlen kruger

Verlen didn’t set out to be a canoe designer or builder for mass production, he custom designed and built canoes simply to fit his own needs. As his reputation in the canoeing community grew so did the demand for customized watercraft by other canoeing enthusiasts, hence the Kruger Canoes business was born. Eventually Verlen standardized the line of canoes he sold with his final canoe models called the Sea Wind, Dream Catcher and Kruger Cruiser.

  • Verlen Kruger building a wood strip canoe. 1969
  • Verlen building a Loon
  • Verlen Kruger in his canoe shop
  • building a Sea Wind canoe
  • wood strip canoe plug
  • Verlen with Sea Wind form
  • 2 blue Dreamcatcher decked canoes
  • Kruger Cruiser canoes
  • Front of Kruger Cruiser
  • Sea Wind canoes
  • Kruger crafted canoes with rudders
  • Open deck Kruger Cruiser canoes
  • 2 Sea Wind canoes